Release date:
January 1, 1998
Wasteland Records
Wasteland Records
well I was waving at you but you didn't see me
yes you were waving hello
waving hello
well anyway it reminded me of this dream I had and I wanted to tell you about it
but now I can't remember something about waving
I saw you but I was slipping
hello I see you but you're not really there are you
well yes I'm here silly
I'm right here
what are you trying to say?
I was slipping but I saw you waving
yes I remember over and over and over
what are you trying to say
you aren't being very clear
I'm just trying to say hello but something keeps slipping
sipping simmering singing
how was that melody?
like how did that go
something like
yeah that's it
was pretty
it made me sad
you know
when you wake up in the morning and you can't remember your dreams but you can feel it
it's sadness as though you've been weeping
I never feel such a sadness when I'm awake
it's like that song
yes I know what you mean
I don't know where it comes from
it's like that song
what was that melody?
it's been in my head all day
how did it go like when I was waving at you in the restaurant
I didn't think you saw me
I don't know why I should even care but I do I know it sound's stupid
but it just seemed to go on forever
it made me so sad
I saw you and you were singing that song or was it me
how does it go
I feel really goofy
I hate that restaurant
let's wake up
let's make snow angels
let's comb my hair
you cut it all off
let's glossy like ice like we fell in the snow making snow angels
talking to angels
they never talk back
I was waving at you
I hate that restaurant
always waving
waving at nobody
so let's make a book and burn all the pages
let's write a letter and throw it to the sky
let's write a song
ya how did that go
I see you here all the time
I don't want to wake up
it's the only place I feel such sadness
I don't want to wake up 'cause I haven't learned to fly
yet I haven't dreamt of angels
I haven't touched my mother
are you my mother
are you my mirror
I can't see you
I can't see you
sing to me
I'm waving at you
I'll sing for you
yes I'll be your mother
I'll turn the light on
here mirroring back to you
mirroring back to you
Music by David Sylvian. Spoken words by Ana Voog and Ingrid Chavez.
Sylvian’s contribution as given by Sylvian himself:
The collaboration was primarily between Ingrid and Ana. They created a spoken word piece and were in something of a rush for a complimentary backing track due to an urgent completion date.
Budget problems I believe. Ana asked if I could come up with something. I did. More sound collage than composition if I remember correctly. The album was shelved for a couple of years but I understand it’s now due to be released. We haven’t heard the final results but wish her well with the project.