Release date:
January 5, 2021
© 2021 David Sylvian (Instagram)
David Sylvian
And God said, I will build a church here
And cause this people to worship me,
And afflict them with poverty and sickness
In return for centuries of hard work
And patience. And its walls shall be hard as
Their hearts, and its windows let in the light
Grudgingly, as their minds do, and the priest’s words be drowned
By the wind’s caterwauling. All this I will do,
Said God, and watch the bitterness in their eyes
Grow, and their lips suppurate with
Their prayers. And their women shall bring forth
On my altars, and I will choose the best
Of them to be thrown back into the sea.
And that was only on one island.
R.S. Thomas
End Times
Published on Januari 5th, 2021 on Instagram (davidsylvian258)
Copyright: 2021 David Sylvian
The poem is ‘The Island’ by R.S. Thomas. The music is two very short tracks from Akira Rabelais’ samadhisound album ‘Caduceus’. ‘And the Permanence of Smoke or Stars’ and then ‘On the little in-betweens’.
It was on David’s tumblr account in 2014.