Untitled (Janus 2/99 page 30)

Released at July 1, 1999

Release date:

July 1, 1999


(c) 1999 David Sylvian




David Sylvian

The gold and crimson tulips
Brought forth a goddess
She stood before me
Bees buzzing beneath an evening sky
All time
As the rose reaches the hand
A thousand voices sing the silence
The work of planets unfolding
A glimpse of the map of destiny is mine
My feet burn their imprint in stone
Now it is done

She blows a hole through solid air
Whispers my true name
A calling card from the heart of prayers

She is all mountains
Her black eyes fathomless
Absolute stillness
Silver shooting stars garland her hair
How could this house contain all she is?
She stands neither within nor without
Soothing fire
She's in the belly, the head, the heart
Her laughter pervades everything
Cleansing fire
Leave not one stone unturned

Queen bee
She pollinates the hearts of all who come
She is all suns

I will learn to walk
I will learn to breathe as I once did
I will learn to sing
And singing I will worship you

As published in Janus Magazine, issue 2/99, July 1st 1999 on page 30Janus magazine is a free magazine as delivered with the Belgium paper De Standaard.

Article can be found in the link below: A Shaman’s Song By David Sylvian and Carl De Keyzer

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