Release date:
November 29, 2023
© 2023 Ingrid Chavez & David Sylvian
Ingrid Chavez
Light House and Snowfall appeared on the original limited Edition CD sent out to music industry executives. There were only 20 hand printed and packaged CDs signed and numbered by David and Ingrid. These two songs were presented as demos and were never developed any further.
Ingrid on facebook:
Snowfall + Lighthouse Demos
I have released these two tracks from their subscriber-only bondage on Bandcamp.
Many moons ago, when David and I were a young family living in Minneapolis, I came across a cassette with these two tracks on it that he had not put vocals to. I decided to give it a go. They were part of an ep that we made only a handful of handprinted CDs for titled, ‘Little Girls With 99 Lives.’ The photo of me on this cover is from our wedding pics taken by the amazing @billphelps.
A few years ago, I released a limited Edition CD signed by David and myself with the same title, different cover, and minus the two demo tracks.
These tracks are now available for purchase on my Bandcamp (link in bio).
Happy Tuesday!
Ingrid x
The page on Bandcamp mentions:
Buy this album on BandcampLight House and Snowfall appeared on the original limited Edition CD sent out to music industry executives. There were only 20 hand printed and packaged CDs signed and numbered by David and Ingrid. These two songs were presented as demos and were never developed any further.
released February 28, 2016