This great site features an interview with Steve Jansen where he talks about his work with David for Samadhi Sound. You can read it at: You can also win a copy of JAPAN’s ‘Gentlemen Take Polaroids’, ‘Tin Drum’, ‘Oil On Canvas’, RAIN TREE CROW’s ‘Rain Tree Crow’, and DAVID SYLVIAN’s ‘Brilliant Trees’, ‘Alchemy – An Index Of Possibilities’, ‘Gone To Earth’, and ‘Secrets Of The Beehive’… in an online contest.
Steve Jansen talks about Samadhi on
Died In The Wool ads
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Here’s the ad that was published in The Wire magazine July 2011
david sylvian : abandon / hope
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In Japan this summer there will be two, simultaneously held, photographic exhibitions by David Sylvian. ‘Abandon’ will open in...
Heartbeat video on Carlo Verdone DVD!
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It ‘s my pleasure to announce that finally the Heartbeat video clip has been released on an official DVD!...
David Sylvian new recordings with Skogen
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Angharad Davies has mentioned on her website that last month (7th – 13th December 2015) she and an interesting...
Out In The Sticks – Friedman & Liebezeit (featuring David)
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Since their first collaborative album “Secret Rhythms” came out on Nonplace in 2002, Friedman & Liebezeit have been playing...
Yuka Fujii’s ‘Like Planets’ at Iwao Gallery Tokyo, april 2022
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Posted by @davidsylvain58 on Twitter: yuka fujii’s photographic exhibition ‘like planets’ will open at iwao gallery tokyo, april 2022....
Auf Und Davon: Burnt Friedman & Jaki Liebezeit featuring David Sylvian
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A NEW NONPLACE RELEASE IS DUE MAY 2005 Since their first collaborative album “Secret Rhythms” came out on Nonplace...
Manafon reviews
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This page contains a compilation of reviews as found online, in papers and magazines. Latest: – All About Jazz...
God Man €23.10
Quiet Life/Life In Tokyo
Le Pollen €45.95
Quiet Life €39.49
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