Austrian musician (born 04.11.1971 in Bad Ischl), and since 2002 resident in Podewil, Berlin. Member of Polwechsel
studies of classical percussion at the University Of Music And Performing Arts in Vienna
Bands and projects: Radian, Trapist, Polwechsel, Kapital Band, Autistic Daughters
Collaborations with Siegrun Appelt, Burkhard Beins, Tony Buck, John Butcher, Peter Brandlmayr, Dieb 13, Axel Drner, Christian Fennesz, Franz Hautzinger, Gina Hell, Florian Kmet, Christof Kurzmann, Toshimaru Nakamura, Andrea Neumann, Rashim, Sachiko M, Stefan Schneider, Burkhard Stangl, David Sylvian, John Tilbury, Otomo Yoshihide..
Soundinstallation Maag Areal Zurich 2003
honorary mention ars electronica 2002 (for Radian tg11) und 2005 ( for Kapital band 1″2cd”)
Festival appearances:
Transmediale ( Berlin, d) , Domino festival ( Brussels, be), Donaueschinger Musiktage, Konfrontationen Nickelsdorf( Nickelsdorf, aut), Ideal festival ( Gothenburg, swe), Maerz-Musik (Berlin, d), Pukkelpop (Hasselt, nl), Music Unlimeted (Wels, aut), Taktlos (Zuerich/Basel, s ), Kaleidophon (Ulrichsberg, aut), Sonar (Barcelona, esp), Mutek (Montreal, can), Mutek (Mexico city, mex)
Avanto festival (Helsinki, fin), Netmage (Bologna, it), Deaf Festival (Rotterdam, nl)
WSJD festival (Warszawa, pl), Ertz festival ( Bera, esp ), All tomorrows Parties ( Camber sands, gb) Sajeta festival (Ljubljana, slo), Dispatch festival (belgrade , yu ), Offf festival (Valencia, esp) Boreal festival(Bergen, nor), Electronic spring (Madrid, esp), Wiener Festwochen (Vienna, aut) , Ars Electronica (Linz), Gaudeamus muziekweek (Amsterdam), Musikprotokoll/Steirischer Herbst (Graz/Austria), Atlantico 99 (Lisbon), ….
radian “radian” cd, rhiz 1998
radian “tg 11” cd, mego/rhiz, 2000
trapist “Highway my friend” CD, hathut, 2002
radian “rec.extern” cd, thrilljockey, 2002
mapstation “version train” cd/lp, Staubgold, 2002
Siewert/Brandlmayr ” to beautiful to burn” cd, erstwhile records, 2003
brandlmayr/dafeldecker/nmeth/siewert “die instabilitaet der symmetrie” cd, doc/grob, 2004
kapital band 1 “2CD” cd/cdr mosz, 2004
trapist Ballroom cd, thrilljockey , 2004
radian Juxtaposition, cd/lp, thrilljockey, 2004
mapstation “distance told me things to be said”, cd/lp, scape, 2006
polwechsel “archives of the north”, cd, hathut, 2006
kapital band 1 “playing by numbers”, cd, mosz, 2007
autistic daughters “uneasy flowers”, cd , kranky/staubgold, 1/2008