+ Keith Tippett Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Born Bristol, 25 August 1947, died 14 June 2020. Keith played piano and was a composer, arranger and educator.
+ Dai Fujikura Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Dai Fujikura was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1977.
+ Frank Perry Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Frank Perry is a modern musical mystic who takes his inspiration from ancient ideas concerning the power of sound...
+ Otomo Yoshihide Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Otomo Yoshihide (born August 1, 1959 in Yokohama, Japan) is a Japanese experimental musician, turntablist and guitarist.
+ Joel Ryan Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Joel Ryan (NL/US) is a composer, inventor and scientist - a pioneer in the design of musical instruments based...
+ Marc Ribot Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Marc Ribot was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1954.