+ Trey Gunn Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Plays: electric bass, electric and acoustic guitar, keyboards, touch guitar
+ Toshimaru Nakamura Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Toshimaru Nakamura is a Japanese No-input mixing board player
+ John Taylor Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 John Taylor was born in Manchester (25th September 1942)
+ Ian Maidman Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Ian Maidman was born in Upminster, England, in 1958.
+ Steve Jansen Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Born Stephen Batt on December 1, 1959. Plays: drums, percussion
+ Erik Honoré Artists related to David Sylvian, Artist, 0 Erik Honor, co/artistic director of Punkt Festival, is a musician, producer and author from Kristiansand Norway.