March 12, 2012 (cancelled)
Februari 16th 2012
Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone for the kind thoughts, expressed here and elsewhere, for my wellbeing. It buoys my spirits to know that so much positive energy is being sent my way.
I’ve been talking over re-scheduling dates for my tour with those involved in the production. There was an opportunity to put some dates in place in October of this year but without the majority of the musicians involved in the original tour. On top of this, I felt concerned that my health might still be in some doubt at that point in time and therefore worried about a second cancellation, something that, we can all agree, might test the patience of everyone involved. I tend to think that, until that time arises, your money should be sitting in your bank accounts not someplace else. Consequently, I feel more comfortable cancelling plans for touring in the short term until I know I have the good health necessary to undertake another tour as is my intention. My sincerest apologies if you feel I’m letting you down and my even greater gratitude for your ongoing support.
Just as a brief news update: The independent publication of ‘Amplified Gesture’ is gearing up for release this Spring. The new edition includes an additional chapter by Phil Hopkins, an introduction by yours truly, and numerous outtakes from interviews with the artists featured in the film. The truly wonderful work of Katharina Grosse provides the art for the cover and Chris has done his usual beautiful job with packaging and design. We’re also in the process of putting together a release by Jan Bang and Erik Honoré based on my stint at the Punkt festival of last year. The work is built around my readings of poems, especially
commissioned for the Uncommon Deities installation, by the celebrated Norwegian poets Paal-Helge Haugen and Nils Christian Moe-Repstad, along with samples taken from the numerous performances that littered that wonderful three day event. It also features contributions from two of my most favoured musicians; Arve Henriksen and Sidsel Endresen. Jan and Erik have produced a piece of real beauty. I couldn’t ask for better collaborators. Entitled ‘Uncommon Deities’, this project will be released in limited editions. More on this as the pieces fall into place.
In the meantime I wish you love, peace, and revolution.