Very rare Japanese first issue vinyl album with stickered sleeve and inlay.
Special releases, extended features on miscellaneous subjects. These things come in here.
The 7: version of Red Guitar is edited to 4:42.
This is what a picture disc should be. Beautiful photography (by Yuka Fujii) on good music.
One of the major collector’s items available. The box itself is a piece of art (design by Russell Mills) and as a 5 CD retrospective it’s the ultimate object on the mantelpiece of the David Sylvian collector. Each CD has a new artwork inlay, combined with printed artwork on the jewel-case itself, which gives a complete new image. The box
Ember Glance: The Permanence Of Memory was an immersive multimedia installation by David Sylvian and Russell Mills, staged at the Temporary Museum, F-GO SOKO: T33 Warehouse on Tokyo Bay, Shinagawa (29 September - 12 October 1990) as part of a series of experimental exhibitions, installations and performances conceived and produced by national and international artists at the invitation of Tokyo Creative '90.
Japanese first edition from 1992.
This CD was made privately in a batch of 20 for friends and record-company associates.
This is the US release of the instrumental album.
Charles Lindsay did the photography as used on Camphor.
Japanese version with bonus track Trauma.

Manafon €590.28
Steve Jansen, Richard Barbieri €16.15
The Good Son vs The Only Daughter (The Blemish Remixes)
デイヴィッド・シルヴィアン (ele-king books) €6,800.00
Quiet Life €9.99