German compilation featuring Forbidden Colours
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A collection of great movie soundtracks.
Yuka Fujii: TRANSIENT (cine-photo version 2 – 5:25min. /osmosis film 2007) “TRANSIENT” is a short dv film made up of cine-photo images featuring those of young Japanese boys drumming on a raised portable shrine at an Autumn festival in Naoshima, Japan.
Second solo album by Chris Vrenna, a.k.a. tweaker.
DVD with bonus video of Linoleum.
Superb album by former NIN's Chris Vrenna.
Upon This Fleeting Dream is a new release by Twinkle³ featuring David Sylvian & Kazuko Hohki. Sylvian features on 7 of the 10 tracks reading short Japanese poems in English translation. Renditions of the poetry in the original Japanese are given by Kazuko Hohki.
Uncommon Deities (feat David Sylvian, Sidsel Endresen, Arve Henriksen)
Albums, Commissions, Recording, 0Concept based on the audio-visual installation “Uncommon Deities” by David Sylvian, commissioned by the Punkt Festival.
Polish 2 CD compilation, featuring Darkest Dreaming
Great compilation!
Virgin promotional compilation.
In-house release on CDR, copied from DAT on 17.08.99
Virgin sampler
3" Virgin compilation single.
Released to celebrate Virgin's 21st birthday.
Features a duet with David Sylvian, Some Small Hope, which was also issued as a single.
A stunning 5 LP/2 CD Box Set with a mini clubman mini-record player all in one neat-box. Part of a numbered limited edition of 4,000 only.
This 5.25 inch flexi disc was included in the japanese Viva Rock magazine No. 25, 1984.
2CD German compilation
One of the major collector’s items available. The box itself is a piece of art (design by Russell Mills) and as a 5 CD retrospective it’s the ultimate object on the mantelpiece of the David Sylvian collector. Each CD has a new artwork inlay, combined with printed artwork on the jewel-case itself, which gives a complete new image. The box

Rain Tree Crow €22.69
Brilliant Trees €9.95
Chillout Moods: Magic Forest €33.72
Dead Bees On A Cake €13.99
There Is No Love €17.39