Advanced CDR with printed Virgin info.
Find here the promos you were always looking for.
Japanese release only
Extremely rare Japanese promo
As the regular release but with Warner stickers on barcodes and on the CD the text “SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE” is printed
Released on P-Vine Records Japan.
Promotional copy of moto.tronic with a single sheet inlay.
Wonderful album by Ryuichi with surprising tracks. Obviously Ryuichi has some new interests and is going in a new direction.
Advanced promo of the World Citizen single as published by Samadhi Sound.
Promotional issue of the second tweaker album featuring David Sylvian.
Advanced promo of the limited Blonde redhead single Equus, featuring David Sylvian on Messenger.
US only release
A rare, great promo CD with all of the CD/DVD boxset on one CD.
Japanese CD-R promo with artwork
Another P-Vine promo of the Japanese version.
Exclusive distibuted to small record shops and journalists in Belgium initiated @ Lowlands Festival 2005
Japanese CDR promo, probably P-Vine
This is the advanced promo of Samadhi Sound with a printed CDR and CD inlay.
features Readymade FC's interpretation of A Fire In The Forest
Promo version of album.
Japanese advanced promo of the Chasm remix album.
Japanese P-Vine promo with inlay.
3-inch promo for Joan As Police Woman (Joan Wasser album To Survive
German promo on CDR. There were only a handful made and distributed to selected journalists.
Japanese P-Vine promo of Manafon
Approaching Silence €3.23
Rain Tree Crow €22.69
On the Periphery: David Sylvian - A Biography: The Solo Years €9.99
To Survive €19.16
Gone to Earth €17.68