Transcripts from articles and interviews.
In Jacir (12) heeft David Sylvian zijn grootste Nederlandse fan (Rotterdams Dagblad, November 2003)
Transcripts, Interview, 0Rotterdams Dagblad, 12 november 2003
Future Music interview (nov/dec 2003, issue 143) by Danny Turner 2003 Future Music. Republished with kind permission of Future Music Magazine.
By Sergey Chernov
Interview by Marcus Boon
The following is the original Q & A which appears in edited form in the 7th issue of Fourth Door Review. David Sylvian interview: questions prepared by Oliver Lowenstein 18.9.04.
Story by Chris Dahlen
by Lorenzo Del Ponte
Interview (in Italian) originally published in the Italian KULT magazine (2005).Online published on (now defunct) on April 21st, 2009 by ‘camphor’.Translated and kindly provided by Marta Roia.
Q&A as published in Rodeo Magazine
By BEN CRAWFORDPublished: September 17, 2006
From the avant-glam pop of ]apan to free-jazz improv, he has spent three decades challenging himself. Where next for the latter-day Scott Walker? lts still all out there to be done, says David Sylvian. Interview by Phil Alexander. Portrait by Kevin Westenberg.
Alone in the middle of a forest in New England, David Sylvian embraced disillusionment, rejected false gods and embarked on a more austere songwriting regimen than ever before. For his latest studio album, Manafon, the former pop singer also made connections with electroacoustic improvisors including Keith Rowe, Evan Parker, John Tilbury, Polwechsel, Otomo Yoshihide and Toshimaru Nakamura. By Biba Kopf.
A Q&A posted on the now offline site, September 2009
David Sylvian and the mysterious sound of inspiration by Paul Sharma, Wall Street Journal, 11 September 2009
IN A SYLVIAN GROOVE by JIM FUSILLI, Wall Street Journal rock and pop music critic, 11 September 2009
CD of the Month: David Sylvian, Manafon (Samadhi Sound)by Robert Sandall
David Sylvian takes on improv: Manafon (Performing Musician, December 2009)
Transcripts, Interview, 0After a 30-year career, David Sylvian has just released his most adventurous album yet. With a new, and largely improvisational, approach to music, he tells PM why he feels hes only just beginning to learn his craft.By Jonathan Wingate as published in Performing Musician (december 2009)
by TINTIN TORNCRANTZ as published on February 16 2010 (now defunct).
Forword by Marcus Boon and interview by Keith Rowe as published in BOMB magazine (issue 111)