mini interview on
Articles and Interviews
Printed/audio articles and interviews
49 answers (Dead Bees On A Cake Promotional Interview CD)
Audio & video, Tracks - by/with David Sylvian, Track, 0All 49 answers for the open-ended radio interview. Interview conducted by Sally Stratton
Nice little interview with David Sylvian in the Times (UK March 3rd, 2012) by Alex O’Connell
Interview by Derek Richardson with David Sylvian for 5FM South Africa in November 1998.
as published on The Quientus, by Wyndham Wallace, March 26, 2012
By BEN CRAWFORDPublished: September 17, 2006
Zero Music Magazine (Sweden)Journalist: Hans-Olof Svensson
Unknow author. Published on the official site in May 2011
By Michael Dwyer.
Unknown source and author. Take from the 2011 publication on the official site.
Free lifestyle & culturee magazin from Norway, published September 2011. Article about David Sylvian and his performance at the Punkt Festival in Kristiansand. Three page article, written by Sophus Jensen.
by Lorenzo Del Ponte
Glossy culture magazine of Norwegian newspaper Afterposten. Features article on carrier of David Sylvian as support of David's visit at Punkt Festival in Kristiansand.
by Steven Rose for Blurt Magazine
From his earliest musical offerings with the pop outfit Japan, British-born David Sylvian has infused his work with a poet’s voice, a painter’s eye, and a subtle strength.
An interview with David Sylvian On improvisation, sonic exploration and Holger Czukay Michael Bonner, 13th July 2018
by Craig Peacock The following interview took place in October 1994 at the P-3 Gallery near Shinjuku, one of Tokyo’s many shopping and business centres. The gallery itself is located in the basement of a temple. This is not as spiritual as one would expect, as it’s surrounded by ugly office and residential buildings. The clatter of modern life in
by Karl Lippegaus. Er wohnt zusammen mit einer schönen Japanerin im obersten Stockwerk eines unauffälligen Reihenhauses. In diesem Stadtteil von London leben Menschen, die weder besonders arm noch besonders reich sind, und scheinbar doch was vom guten Leben verstehen. Als ich durch die kleinen Straßen gehe und nach dem Haus von David Sylvian suche, denke ich, hier mieten die letzten
4-page article/interview with David Sylvian in Belgium magazineBackstage Muziekmagazine.
Article (in dutch) by Frank de Munnik in the Dutch TV magazine VPRO Gids (issue 39, 29th September 2007).
Originally published in 2003 by Danny Turner
My Heart's in My Hand & My Hand Is Pierced & My
Gone To Earth €46.39
Alchemy - An Index Of Possibilities €33.01
To Survive €24.21
Quiet Life €9.99