Release date:
August 8, 2006
Punkt Recordings
Punkt Recordings / Jazzland
Jan Bang and Eric Honoré did put together a great CD with the help of friends like Molvr, Endresen, Henriksen, David Sylvian etc under the name Punkt.
Track listing:
- Map (featuring Sidsel Endresen)
- Challenge
- Angels (featuring David Sylvian)
- Picket Fences (featuring Nils Petter Molvr)
- Comfort
- Her Ghost (featuring Sidsel Endresen)
- Body Language (featuring Arve Henriksen/Audun Kleive)
- Patience
- Speechless
- Bird’s Eye (featuring Eivind Aarset/Sub-Z)
- Residue (featuring Sidsel Endresen)
- Reconstruction (featuring Nils Petter Molvaer/Arve Henriksen)
- Loss (featuring Origami Ios/Arve Henriksen)
Jan Bang: samples, beats, programming, live sampling, voice, synthesizer, vinyl bass
Erik Honoré: synthesizers, programming, electronics, synth bass, Venetian blinds, voice, samples
Christian Wallumrod: keyboard sample (1)
Paolo Vinaccia: drum sample (1)
David Sylvian: voice (3)
Sidsel Endresen: voice (1,6,11)
Terence Nicholson: voice (11)
Nils Petter Molvaer: trumpet (4,9,12)
Audun Kleive: drum sample (1), percussion (3,7), beats (5), voice (7), hi-hat sample (9)
Eivind Aarset: guitar sample (7), guitars (10); Origami Ios: wooden laptop (2), speaker cables (13)
Arve Henriksen: trumpet (3,12,13), trumpet samples (5,7), voices (12,13)
Ingebrigt Haaker Flaten: bass (3)
David Rothenberg: voice (7)
Terje Isungset: percussion samples (9)
Sub-Z: voice on intro (10)
Jorn Raknes: guitars on intro (10), guitar (12)
Greta Aagre: voice sample (12)
Read the All About Jazz review